What Students Are Saying
“Wellcoaches is by far the best coaching academy in the world in my opinion. Before I had started learning the coaching language and its methodologies I thought coaching is easy to pick up. Little did I know that taking off my expert hat as a personal trainer is such a conscious effort. Being present with active listening and coupled with motivational interviewing technique as well as being curious about an individual is a skill.
My skills have escalated from a “quick-to-problem solve and “coach-centered” approach to a “client-centered” approach.
I have learnt to be silent where before I rambled to fill in the gaps. Learning to hold the space in those silent moments allow a transformative change to take place.
Seeing clients break through the block that’s been limiting them for years, and I see the glimmers of their true power. They tap into their own wisdom I could see that was hidden from them.
And, this is no longer work to me but my new found meaning and purpose in life.”
— Karen Lee, Wellcoaches Certified Health & Wellness Coach
“Wellcoaches training helped me let go of any need to "fix" anyone! The coach approach that I learned is life-changing and created a platonic shift in the way I interact with people at work and at home.
I feel the skills I gained from my training have allowed me to be a deep listener to whoever is in front of me.
For those considering Wellcoahces, I would say it is every penny well spent. Coaching is not what you'll do for a living. It'll be how you live.”
— Luan Ee, Wellcoaches Certified Health & Wellness Coach
“As a lecturer, I use my coaching skills to help my students who are having problems especially when working with their peers.
Wellcoaches Singapore has given me a new perspective in coaching. To leverage on positive experiences, values and strengths instead of weaknesses and shortcomings.
It has also influenced the way I communicate with others. I prefer to ask questions to talking in my conversations with my peers and students.”
— Mazimran Yusoff, Lecturer / Education, Bachelor of Science (Pharmacy)
“Wellcoaches Core Coach Training opened my eyes to the world of non-violent communication and being present. It helps me in all aspects of my life.
I am much more mindful and intentional in my communication with my clients and students (as an Educator). With the rapport and trust, I am then able to become a more effective change agent.
Wellcoaches Singapore will be your best investment not just professionally but also as an individual.”
— Dexter Jemuel Tay, Wellcoaches Certified Health & Wellness Coach
“By consciously taking off the "expert hat", by being present, compassionate, using open-ended inquiry more and working from a partnership and facilitator approach. This helps elicit clients' true motivation, capacity to change and consolidation of their new habits. The process becomes curious and fun.”
— Helen Xie, Health & Wellness Coach
“The most meaningful thing to me about this training was seeing health professionals really connect the dots between the underlying personal and emotional drivers behind certain health behaviours and the need to connect with their "patients" on that level in order to empower them in to make meaningful change that comes from a place of genuine intrinsic motivation, rather than from a place of "should".”
— Jordhana Clark, Naturopath
Your experience is someone’s turning point.
Wellcoaches Singapore wants to hear from those who have undertaken training with us.
The experiences you share may become the turning point for other health professionals to become certified Health Coaches.
Your feedback is valuable to us as an organisation, as well as to those who are considering how health coaching training may benefit them professionally and personally.
Please use the form below to share your experiences and insights so we may continue to provide a world-class training service. When we receive your completed form, we’ll get in touch to request a photograph you’d be happy to share with your reflections.
*By submitting your form, you consent to Wellcoaches Singapore using your review for marketing and promotional purposes.